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About Me

When I was 15 I started decluttering, for a close family member so his house was ready to sell. I helped them out again some years later and was named by his wife, "You are the Queen of Decluttering, The Decluttering Queen!" I have been decluttering professionally since 2009.

I moved to Leeds in 1997. I worked for 7 years for various charities including the Citizens Advice Bureau, and then another 6 years for the NHS, in Mental Health.


My degree is in Mathematics and I also tutor (mainly GCSE students). I do my best to try to work these two occupations around each other, though I am particularly busy around exam time in May & June.


I love cooking, reading, films, swimming,  craft, and walking in green spaces. I volunteer at the local Repair Cafe, where I do some jewellery fixing and a bit of darning. 

I have family and friends across the UK and will often combine visits with helping people declutter or organise. Don't be surprised to see me in Bath, Cardiff, London and once near Southampton.


I have a Facebook page (The Decluttering Queen - Leeds). I post about decluttering, organising, recycling, and occasionally life in general. I do not 'friend' clients so please do not ask if a refusal will offend!


M, Meanwood "You are a dynamo!"


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